Join the Movement: Empower Stephen C. Maxwell to Transform Tennessee

Introduction: A Call for Change

In a world where political landscapes are often dominated by the same voices, Stephen C. Maxwell stands out as a beacon of hope and change. As an Independent write-in candidate for Governor of Tennessee in 2026, Maxwell brings a fresh perspective rooted in personal experience, unwavering integrity, and a commitment to the people. But to turn this vision into reality, he needs your support.

Maxwell's Unique Journey

Stephen C. Maxwell's life journey is a testament to resilience and service. Born in Lowell, Massachusetts, and a graduate of Central High School in Alabama, Maxwell is a disabled veteran who has faced the challenges of PTSD Disorder. His experiences have given him a profound understanding of the struggles faced by many Tennesseans, particularly veterans and those in need of affordable healthcare.

As a Born Again Oneness Pentecostal and a God-called preacher, Maxwell's faith guides his commitment to honesty, transparency, and service. His frustration with local corruption and a desire to bring about meaningful change propelled him into the political arena.

Why Your Support Matters

Running as an Independent candidate, Stephen C. Maxwell is not beholden to the traditional political machinery. This independence allows him to prioritize the needs and voices of everyday Tennesseans. However, it also means he relies heavily on grassroots support to fund his campaign and reach voters across the state.

Your financial contribution is crucial in helping Maxwell overcome the financial bottleneck that stands between him and the Governor's office. With a campaign target of $100,000, every dollar you donate goes directly towards:

Expanding Outreach: Funding for mailing flyers, engaging voters through phone calls, and organizing one-on-one interactions.

Amplifying the Message: Creating impactful ad copy, social media content, and press releases to spread Maxwell's vision.

Building a Strong Team: Hiring individuals who share Maxwell's values of honesty and hard work to ensure a successful campaign.


              A Vision for Tennessee

Your support will empower Stephen C. Maxwell to implement a trans formative vision for Tennessee, including:

Opting out of federal programs like the PATRIOT Act to protect individual liberties.

Advocating for affordable healthcare, with capped costs for doctor visits and prescriptions.

Supporting farmers with discounts and returning farmland to U.S. ownership.

Enhancing veteran housing and revamping Medicaid for better state healthcare.

Balancing state autonomy with federal funding through strategic budget re-appropriation.


      Be Part of the Change!!!!

Stephen C. Maxwell is more than just a candidate; he is a movement towards a more inclusive, responsive, and honest government. By contributing to his campaign, you are investing in a future where Tennessee thrives under leadership that truly understands and represents its people.

Join us in this journey to transform Tennessee. Your support can make all the difference.

As you know, running a successful campaign depends on the financial help of loyal friends and supporters like you. That’s why I am asking you to donate to my campaign. Your money will help purchase signs, advertising and other campaign supplies. By becoming a supporter, YOU become an important part of the political process.



Political advertisement paid for and approved by the candidate.
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